How i started Lasting Hours before Ejaculation
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Hi I’m Mark, couple weeks ago I would not have believed I’d be publicly posting about what you might call a ‘sex toy’ loool. But that’s just it, this shit is NOT a toy. I’m gonna try to keep this short as possible.
So first off I just want to say thank you to whoever manufactured this device. Honestly, you’ve literally changed my sex life forever. I love my girlfriend, and she loves me too, however one thing I know she didn’t love is how f***ing quick is used to finish. Okay okay if you’re laughing at me f*ck you. I mean, don’t get me wrong we’ve always had good sex, I make sure she’s satisfied - a lot of the time it’s her first then me (considering it didn’t take much to blow my damn load). I’m a guy who enjoys pleasing my woman, I’ll use my finger, my tongue, hell I’ve even used a dildo to get her off and she loves all that BUT, deep down I always felt like when I’m actually inside her might be the most underwhelming part of our sex.
I could never last so long, maybe that’s why I learnt how to please women in other ways. Whatever, that’s in the past now. A couple weeks ago I “stumbled” on this site & this “Ejaculation delay trainer” thing. My girl was at her parents and she was gonna be there for a while. Yes I was horny and wanted a toy to beat my meat with ( using my hands doesn’t do it for me anymore & frankly you’re missing out on so much if you aren’t investing in toys lol) I read a couple reviews and decided to give it a shot. Where do I even begin, you can’t fully explain these type of things, you have to experience it. I’m never masturbating with my hands again. EVER. This thing is a workout tool I’m telling you, it really is a trainer. Initially I’d set it to the max vibration just to get off as fast as possible but started to learn that wasn’t the way so I went back to level 1/10.

I’d use a level until it got me SUPER hard and swollen but not making me feel like I was close. When I overcame level 1 I upped it to level 2 and you can really feel the difference, first time on level 2 was too much for me & I couldn’t hold it. After a while I overcame that as well. On & On until level 10. I’m not kidding guys, I was having fun & only when I started to see the results did I realise I’d been undergoing training. In just about 6 weeks of using it almost every day I was lasting much longer with every session. When my girl got back I told her I had a surprise for her lol. When she saw my dick she was so shocked, I’ll never forget that look on her face lmao, I’d really never seen it before.
She said “did you get surgery??? Why is it bigger???”. We don’t hide anything from each other so I showed her the trainer If you’re a little embarrassed about this it’s okay, you don’t HAVE to let your partner know, besides if this is someone you’ve been with for a while I’m 100% sure she or he is gonna notice the difference anyway, they’ll probably ask about it, at that point it’s up to you.
Man, I can’t explain and I’m getting tired of typing lol. All I can say is that night felt like it was the first time, we had never fucked for so long...no toys, no finger not even my tongue. Just long hard dick all night. I was completely in control. I went from 2 minute man to I’ll cum when you want me to and it’s been that way since. Every now and then I use the trainer and she really likes using it on me to, we even made a little game out of it where I have to guess the level it was on lol. My girl told me this was an early Christmas gift. Now she’s much more hungry for me and we fuck in all sort of places & situations. No toys, no starting and stopping just us completely focused on each other and me in control of when I want to cum. Also I don’t know if it has anything to do with but my girl also said I cum more now than I did before. This thing will change your lives boys, just like that, basically my biggest insecurity, gone. I 100% recommended, check it out, you won’t know until you KNOW lol. $127 dollars well spent. Stay safe guys, take care & fuck long.
PS about the actual device it feels very nice, very premium, definitely looks & feels worth the price, battery charge lasts long & those circular things inside it omg, blew my mind that feeling. Okay bye.
Get the Ejaculation delay trainer from HERE